Call for Application: Summer School Migration@Ohrid

Продужен је рок за пријаву за учешће у летњој школи "Миграције и азил - правни аспекти", која се одржава у Охриду, од 9. до 17. септембра.
Трошкове пута, смештаја и исхране покривају организатори школе, Силс и Европски институт из Сарбрикена. Право учешћа имају студенти мастер студија и студенти завршне године основних академских студија. О детаљима у тексту који следи.
Dear partners, alumni and friends,

I hope my email finds you well.

We would like to inform/remind you about the call for applications for the Summer School "Challenges of Migration and Asylum – Legal Aspects" within the framework of the DAAD funded project SEE EU Law Net of the SEELS Network and the Europa-Institut (formely known as Graduates4Academia).

The summer school will take place at “Ss Cyril and Methodius” University of Skopje’s Congress Centre in Ohrid from 9 till 17 of September 2016.

The summer school is targeted at Master students from the partner institutions who are interested in the aforementioned topics. In exceptional cases also advanced Bachelor students are welcome. Renowned professors and experts on these topics will lecture at the summer school.

We are happy to inform you that the project covers travel (with certain budget limitations) and accommodation costs as well as free of charge meals and excursion for two applicants from each of your respective institutions.

Hereby we would like to kindly ask you to publish the call for application within your respective faculties, on their Facebook accounts or your private ones and to encourage your students/colleagues to apply to participate in our summer school. Applications deadline was set for 5 July 2016, but we have extended it until 17.07.2016.

We attach to this mail the Application form and a Call for application. The detailed programme will be published in the upcoming weeks.

Should you have any additional question please do not hesitate to contact us under Ова адреса ел. поште је заштићена од спамботова. Омогућите JavaScript да бисте је видели.  or SEELS Ова адреса ел. поште је заштићена од спамботова. Омогућите JavaScript да бисте је видели. .

Looking forward to your applications.
Best regards from the Europa-Institut,

Natasa Vujinovic