SEELS Regional Scientific Conference: Legal Status and Protection of Internationally Displaced Persons, Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Legally Invisible Persons
The Regional Scientific Conference Legal Status and Protection of Internationally Displaced Persons, Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Legally Invisible Persons was held at the Faculty of Law, University of Niš, on 28th May 2021. The Conference marks the completion of the SEELS Forced Migrations Project, which has been carried out within the SEELS Network in cooperation with partner Law Faculties in Skopje, Zenica and Osijek.

In the Conference opening ceremony, the participants were welcomed by Prof. Goran Obradović, Dean of the Law Faculty in Niš. The introductory speech was given by Mr. Vladimir Cucić, the Commissioner for Refugees and Migration of the Republic of Serbia. The Conference proceedings were organizeded in separate panel session, including:
1) Session 1: Labour Law and Social Security
2) Session 2: Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Law (Subtopics: Civil Procedure Law and Criminal Procedure Law)
3) Session 3: Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Law (Subtopics - International Public Law, EU Law and Administrative Law)
4) Session 4: Private International Law
1) Session 1: Labour Law and Social Security
2) Session 2: Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Law (Subtopics: Civil Procedure Law and Criminal Procedure Law)
3) Session 3: Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Law (Subtopics - International Public Law, EU Law and Administrative Law)
4) Session 4: Private International Law

In panel sessions, the Conference participants presented national reports on the legal status of internationally displaced persons, refugees, asylum seekers and legally invisible persons in their country of origin: Serbia, Northern Macedonia, Croatia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The reports were followed by panel discussions on the presented reports. The submitted national reports will be published in the Guide to Good Practices and thus made accessible to the interested scientific and professional public.

We wish to thank all Conference participants for their valuable contribution to the Conference events.

In particular, we extend our genuine appreciation to external experts, Mr. J.H.A van Loon, the former Secretary General of the Hague Conference on Private International Law (member of GEDIP and the TEE), Professor Fabienne Jault-Seseke, Faculté de droit et de science politique de l’Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (member of GEDIP and the TEE) and Professor Sabine Corneloup, Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas (member of the TEE). The external experts have analyzed the national reports prepared in the field of Private International Law (Session 4).

We look forward to future cooperation with Law Schools within the SEELS Network.